Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey band, yanda here.

Today's POP is quite a success, hope everyone is happy with their ranks. From now on there will be a change in ranking system, we will judge you guys by attendance, conduct etc and not by level. This is more fair to the rest.

Although Mr Foo have left us, but he will still be in our heart for a very long time.Well, as what Mr yeo said, there will be a change in the system so everyone be prepared for changes and there will be lots of work. We got to kick the old habit away which is coming band just on time, we got to come earlier so that we can start on time and end on time. Band practices can be fun but when come to serious playing, stay focus. We got to change to adapt to the 21st century. We as leaders will make sure everyone enjoys band and at the same time improve in our character developement and playing. How to enjoy? we must work with each other and AT LEAST respect each other. So that you happy i happy everyone happy. Then everyone will love band. We got to learn from our seniors mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again.

There must be a line drawn between seniors and juniors , friends and position.

Juniors (sec 1 and 2)
Respect your seniors, call them sir or mdm. Do not agrue with them, what they ask you to do , you do. If you got any doubts or feel that it's unfair, do tell the majors and we will judge for you.

Friends and Position
Outside band we can be friends, but in band no such thing as friends thingy. example, guy A have a higher rank than guy B. Both the same level. Outside they can play all they want. But in band guy B MUST listen to guy A. Simple as that.

To the new committee , it's time to get busy and get things done. If you are unsure what are you suppose to do, ASK us or seniors. We will be more than willing to help.

To the sec 4 and 5, do not worry about the band, the new majors will do a good job and will make sure mjr band stay strong. The band room will always be open for you so if you want to come back and see us, go ahead.

To the band, I know it's a hard time now as we do not have a conductor and currently Mr Yeo and Mr Ed is helping out. No matter who our future conductor is, respect him/her just like you respect Mr Yeo/Mr Ed or Mr Foo. All the best band! we can do it :)

That's all

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