Sunday, April 6, 2008

FAQ on HK Payment

I've decided to post this example so that students and parents can refer to it and understand the procedure completely.

Category A: 80% subsidy
Category B: 65% subsidy
Category C: 50% subsidy

The total cost is $1100 and students need to submit cheque payment of $300 as deposit. So...

Your parents may earn about $10,000 per month, but if you have 7 or 8 siblings who are still studying, you probably fall under Category B.

Suppose your family comes under Catergory B and students under Category B are eligible for 65% subsidy, that means that the amount payable is still about $385.

The deposit of $300 can be payed by cheque. The remaining $85 can be deducted from your EduSave account (assuming there's enough balance).

If you are eligible for 80% subsidy, you still need to pay $300 deposit by cheque. Don't worry about paying too much now because we can always reimburse you later.

The school will not allow pupils to use the entire EduSave amount since they may need it for future use (like other programmes conducted by the school).

Hope this explanation helps.

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