Your official letter of appointment will soon be ready. You can also refer to the job scope on the band noticeboard in the band room.
Demonstrate initiative and take action where necessary. There is no need to wait for Mr Foo, myself, Sha' or Sharil to give instructions. Of course, keep us informed.
If you are unsure, check with your predecessor, or simply check with us. We will be glad to give assistance whenever necessary.
Observe and look at the current situation, especially when senior leaders or the band alumni is around. They are a great source of inspiration and advice. You can also ask our honorary band member, Sin Hua for help, too. :-)
There is much preparation to be done now that we are near the competition. Think of the preparation needed for mbrosia or MONTAGE. There is a checklist of activities available from the previous Apprentices. You can use that document as a guide.
To start off:
- Secretary, please note down any important remarks or reminders from Mr Foo. Carry a notebook if necessary. Better yet, save your notes in your handphone and set automatic reminders. Work with the Majors closely. Take down the minutes of any meetings the committee conducts. Find out how to take and disseminate minutes.
- Quartermasters: As usual, check whether there's enough reeds, mouthpieces, lubricants, etc. Check if any instruments need repair. Bring along extra accessories on the competition day. Work closely with the SLs to find out what the section needs.
- Treasurer: Check accounts and log book. Standardise procedures for band fund collection and claims (e.g. signatures and receipts). Start collecting band fund.
- Librarians: Check to see if members or sections have appropriate scores. We'll need the Disney pieces too since we'll be performing the Disney pieces in Sentosa. Memorise the number of sheet music needed for each section. Maintain close communication with each other. Keep extra copies of scores.
- Uniform Managers: Please check that the Sec Ones have their vests, etc. You may need to see them on a separate day to coordinate uniform fitting. Bring extra buttons, needle and thread on the competition day.
- Welfare/Public Relations: Get ready to host our exchange band, e.g. preparation of gifts, refreshments, etc. Also, look after the welfare of the band members. If you see any members particularly stressed out, do talk to them and check if they need help. Bring extra handiplast, hair spray, hair clip, etc. on the competition day.
- Web Admin: We need to start your training on managing the band blog on the e-learning portal. Please arrange for appointment with me. Work closely with the Majors and the Secretary.
- Apprentice Majors: Work closely with one another and with the Band/Drum Major. Your actions should be for the good of the band, not for your own glory (sorry if this sounds harsh or patronising). However I believe that all five of you have a good heart and only want the best for the band.
- Section Leaders: There's too many things to do for me to write here. Haha! Basically, in addition to teaching the members under your charge, you will need to work closely with the EXCO for scores, accessories, uniforms, etc. etc.
One last reminder to ALL: If any of the teachers or instructors ask you a question, please do not reply with "I dunnooooooo...." or "I forgoooooooot......". If you really do not know, just say, "I'm not sure, let me check with [Xyz]
Congratulations, once again. Like Mr Foo, I'm really proud of our accomplishments so far. When I think back, I really, really think the turning point was our first mbrosia concert. There were so many good things that came out after the concert. Let's maintain our good work.
Muhammad Fahmy Babjee
Overall Teacher-in-Charge
Manjusri Concert Band
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