Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear Majors, Sin Hua ,George, Sheng Jun, Apprentice Majors, and Section leaders
As discussed in today's meeting, we have discovered that we have a lot of issues in the band currently. So, roughly to summarise the entire meeting, below is a the list of the things discussed, and for those highlighted in red, it needs your urgent attention and action immediately.

- Members are either late or absent for band practices. Please try to be punctual for every practice, and take care of yourselves to prevent getting sick (ESPECIALLY during the Concert and SYF period!). ALL Majors will be in charge here, to ensure the punctuality of members. Section leaders please report to the Majors who is absent and the reasons. Punishments will be given to absentees or latecomers who do not have any vaild reasons.

1 (ii)Sectional Leaders
It would really be good if you all will take charge of your Sections's members' attendance, welfare, morale, and playing wise. They are to report the strength of their respective sections to the Attendance Taker (AT), and then that AT will report it to Mr Foo before band starts.

2)Toilet breaks
-members tend to visit the toilet very often and thus disruptive to the band practice. Sha, Sharil, Yan Da, Rahman will take charge to ensure that not more than 5 members can go at any one time and, its would be really good if members could go toilet 15mins BEFORE band starts.

3) Ground rules ( all majors,SLs please take charge)
- no playing of PSP during band practice
-Please listen to the conductor
-Always respect your seniors, etc
-I do not want to hear members talking loudly during full band.

4) SYF marching video (Sharil and Rahman take charge of this.)

5) Please report to the majors if you find there is any problems in your respective sections. If anyone is quitting or have some serious problems, please inform the Teacher-In-Charge. Or, if you think you can solve it by yourself personally, by all means.

6) I will be needing a few name-lists so that majors will know who is absent, and the reasons, and give the punishments if necessary. The Name list SHOULD have the members's handphone numbers and email (For Contacting purposes.) Section leaders please update your member hp numbers and pass it to me latest by next week's band practice, Wednesdae The 22nd of October.

7)Attendance takers (On Whichever practice days), please inform Mr Foo about the number of people who is present, absent, or late, after getting the Strength information of each sections from the SLs. (Refer to 1(ii) )
Write inside a book if necessary. (It's Present in the library.)

8) Extra sectional practice if necessary.
( SLs, you can used the band room for additional practice, if there's a need to, for your section members, if you feel necessary to do so.)

Please inform 1 of the committee members 1 day beforehand, if the band room will be open for self-practice, like Sheng Jun, and the The Majors.

9)Section leaders, I want you all to help your juniors if they need help, and i do not want to see anybody slacking.

10)The Songs for the concert, All of them, can be obtained from Sheng Jun. Sheng Jun, Please ensure that everyone, can somehow have a recording of all the songs.

11) We need a Hi-fi set or a CD player for the practice. It would be really appreciated if someone would loan it to us. =)

12) Please make sure that markers are available by the whiteboard, so that Mr Foo or the other committee members or majors can write the latest news on the board.
(Sha and Gu Juan, please take charge.)

13) Seniors please guide your junior during band practices, motivate them, and encourage them if they have problems, and make sure they are actively participating in band.

14)As for the punishment wise matters, it will be discussed on the next meeting.(Date not confirmed, but most likely next wednesday.)

15)As for the informarion on the duties of the committee members, I will confirm with you all ASAP. Latest by next week's Friday, 24/10/08.

All these rules will take effect from 17 October Onwards.

Majors please stay back after the end of Each and EVERY band practice. We will together review the performance of that day's practice, and see what else can be done to improve things and etc...

Please forward this e mail to the committee. I will be e-mailing you all again after the next meeting.

If there is any enquires, please e-mail me, or contact me .

Best Regards
Yan Da

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